
Mujer / 32 años / Piscis

Ella no está en línea ahora. La última vez fue hace mucho tiempo.

Cuando ella esté en línea

Encuentra una chica en línea


Colombia, Latina
LenguasInglés, Ruso, Español
Tamaño de bustoGrandes
El tamaño del culoGrandes
Color de cabelloMorena
Color de los ojosMarrón

Acerca de mí

Hi! its Hanna the charismatic girl! Give yourself the opportunity 2 meet me. I am a milf and my experience I am going to acquire her with your advice and recommendations, help me experience new sensations.


Hi! its Hanna the charismatic girl! Give yourself the opportunity 2 meet me

Hi! its Hanna the charismatic girl! Give yourself the opportunity 2 meet me. I am a milf and my experience I am going to acquire her with your advice and recommendations, help me experience new sensations.

Me gusta

Self-confident, smart men, with a sense of humor, who know what they want and know how to give me pleasure!


People who gives me a lot of love...

Self-confident, smart men, with a sense of humor, who know what they want and know how to give me pleasure!

Уверенные в себе, умные мужчины, с чувством юмора, знающие, чего хотят и умеющие доставить мне удовольствие!

No me gusta

People boring and rude to me, also, people who are mean with pets :(


Люди скучные и грубые со мной, а также люди, которые плохо обращаются с домашними животными :(

People boring and rude to me

People boring and rude to me, also, people who are mean with pets :(

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