
Mujer / 25 años / Virgo

Ella no está en línea ahora. La última vez fue hace mucho tiempo.

Cuando ella esté en línea

Encuentra una chica en línea


LenguasInglés, Ruso
Tamaño de bustoPequeños
El tamaño del culoMedianos
Color de cabelloMorena
Color de los ojosVerde

Me gusta

What excites me the most is writing. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl and have a sense of humor.


What excites me the most is writing. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl and have a sense of humor./Writing literacy excites me the most. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl, and have a sense of humor.

What excites me the most is writing. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl and have a sense of humor.

What excites me the most is writing. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl and have a sense of humor./Writing literacy excites me the most. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl, and have a sense of humor.

Меня возбуждает грамотность написания больше всего. А так же умные мужчины, которые знают, о чем поговорить с девушкой, и имеют чувство юмора./Writing literacy excites me the most. As well as smart men who know what to talk about with a girl, and have a

No me gusta

Rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence / rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence.


Rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence

Грубость, скупость, тупость, наглость/rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence.

Rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence / rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence.

Грубость, скупость, тупость, наглость/rudeness, stinginess, stupidity, impudence.

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